Zurab Tsereteli
In accordance with the decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 97-UM dated 06.10.2020, Moscow employers need to report to the Сity administration about employees (including performers under civil law contracts) who are and are not subject to remote work.
The employees subject to transfer to remote work have to provide the following information to the employer:
mobile phone number;
state registration number of the vehicle (if any);
number of the Troika electronic card (if any);
number of the Strelka electronic card (if available);
number of the social card issued based on decisions of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region (organizations authorized by them) (if any);
number of a monthly travel ticket without travel limit and with a limit of 70 travel, temporary unified social ticket, temporary discount ticket (if any).
The report must be submitted in the prescribed form weekly each Monday, starting 12.10.2020, in electronic form using the legal entity's personal account on the official website of the Moscow Mayor https://ulk.mos.ru/.
The service for submitting the report is available via the personal account of organizations from 09.10.2020 on. The report can be downloaded from this date. Nevertheless, we recommend you register your organization's personal account on the website https://ulk.mos.ru/ and receive information from your employees in advance.
Please note that violation of the requirements of the decree leads to imposition of administrative sanctions on both, the organization and its officials (Article 20.6.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation).
According to this regulation, failure to submit a report or submission of false information shall result in a fine:
for officials of the organization - in the amount of 10 thousand to 50 thousand rubles,
for a legal entity - in the amount of 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles
Repeated failure to submit a report or submission of incorrect information shall result in a fine
for officials - from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of 1 to 3 years;
for legal entities - from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 day
The Decree No. 97-UM dated 06.10.2020 and the report form can be found here.